
Letih… ku berdiri di bawah terik mentari
Semenjak engkau melangkah menjauh pergi
Hingga rambut ini mulai memutih
Masih… tak kutemui engkau kembali

Letih… hanya saja raga ini b’lumlah mati
Hingga jiwa terus saja meminta tuk menunggumu disini
Sampai engkau hadir…
Sampai larut penantian menjadi bagian dari takdir

Apa loe liat liat..Brengsek Loe Liat Blog tpi kgak koment

Apa loe liat liat..Brengsek Loe  Liat Blog tpi kgak koment
Fucking Beach Malaysia

Fly with Your Spirit

Fly with Your Spirit

My Freind's B'day

My Freind's B'day
Ceplok Telor Di Atas Kepala


ceritadarisurga.blogspot.com is a blog that contains sentences or stories funny stories that can be read by anyone .. yaaa can at least make you who read this blog may be enlightened in his life ..??
Rhymes,, funny stories,, so that pictures can make you laugh and wonder and wonder "Where There you ".... One can picture
On the story is only a tech and my imagination wrote ...??
Soooo ... shake before you drink??
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